Behavioural economics, Recency Theory and industry research expound that reaching people 'in the moment' with related messages boosts communications effectiveness. With IPA TouchPoints demonstrating that around 56% of all time spent engaged in tasks and activities is accompanied by media consumption this presents a real opportunity to enhance media planning practices.
We've aggregated IPA TouchPoints data, radioGAUGE data and case studies together with inspiring and effective audio, to give you unique insight into how media can help you connect with and influence consumers at relevant moments.
Use this tool to find out which media are best for reaching people across the day when engaged in tasks and activities relevant to your campaign and to be inspired by pertinent radio case studies, audio and effectiveness data.
For help using the tool please visit the FAQ section.
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Behavioural economics tells us that consumers engage less with future events than they do with events current happening. This tendency to regard future events as different to their current equivalents can be harnessed in many ways. From an advertising perspective reaching people at the right time could prove crucial to driving them in to your store or to your website.
Additional details on behavioural economics and the power of now can found here
There's such a blizzard of sensory information out there, the brain would be overwhelmed if it weren't for a process of selective attention that allows us to focus. This means that once we're tuned into certain aspects of the environment, we're left blind to events outside of our selective attention - a phenomenon called "inattentional blindness".
A study by Baruch Eitam and colleagues proposes that pure irrelevance is enough to render information invisible even if we have plenty of resources available for processing that information. There this state of "induced blindness" is not just about attentional load we are dealing with but also salience and motivation.
Full article on "in attentional bias" can be found here
The "recency theory" of advertising was devised by Erwin Ephron to help media planners optimise scheduling of campaigns. It claims that to be effective advertising must talk to people at the right time - when they're in the market, when they're receptive to messages and when they are near the point of decision. For example, exposure to fast food ads is optimal when it occurs just before an evening meal when people are deciding what to eat that night.
Additional information on the recency theory available here
The Audience section uses data from the IPA's TouchPoints diary, which asks questions about media consumption of TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet.
The Touchpoints data is based on Touchpoints 2024 (released July 2024)
With industry studies highlighting how media channels can have a halo effect on the brand message your audience receive and the value of editorial context in enhancing engagement with advertising messages, this analysis focuses specifically on ‘Content media’ i.e. media that feature editorial content (either professionally or user-generated) which is the main reason that audiences engage with these media. In providing engaging content that people use to meet a range of different (mainly emotional) needs, these media are best placed to deliver viable (effective) reach of audiences to those advertisers seeking to reach out and generate new demand for their brands. As such, the following media are included in the analysis:
To ensure the most accurate representation of the share of media time spent with each of these media, we have re-worked the top-line media summaries listed in Telmar to remove duplication. The specific definitions of what is included within each media group are listed below.
Share of media time is based on 'Meanz' so excludes any zero respondents. Media time is based on gross half-hour claimed consumption (across the whole week) & time slots (any day).
Each media group includes the following options listed within the Touchpoints diary:
Some analysis uses 'time spent out of home' from the TouchPoints diary as an indicator of exposure to outdoor advertising. Since some people feel that this is not a direct comparative for active media consumption we have therefore not included it in this analysis.
All charts, case studies and audio are completely downloadable for your own use. On the three Audience charts click the Menu button and this will provide you with options to download the charts in various formats. Clicking on the case studies or Radiogauge Predict data will open up the relevant charts in a new window ready to be downloaded. Additionally, each audio clip can be played or downloaded by clicking on the relevant button.
All charts allow individual media to be removed for instant re-profiling of the data. For example, click the 'Magazines' label on any chart in the Audience section and it will automatically remove the Magazines data from the chart.
If you have any other questions that we haven't answered here or need any help please contact us via or call us on 020 7010 0600.